Hrvatski liječnički zbor

Hrvatsko društvo za fizikalnu i
rehabilitacijsku medicinu

Liječnik specijalist fizikalne i rehabilitacijske medicine – definicija

Lijecnik specijalist fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije je zdravstveni radnik s visokom strucnom spremom (Medicinski fakultet), položenim strucnim ispitom, završenom specijalizacijom iz fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije (sukladno Pravilniku o specijalizacijama u trajanju od cetiri godine) te položenim specijalistickim ispitom pred Komisijom Ministarstva zdravstva.

Specijalist fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije (u medunarodnim udrugama nazvan: Specijalist fizikalne i rehabilitacijske medicine) bavi se dijagnosticiranjem i lijecenjem najcešcih bolesti i ozljeda koštano-mišicnog sustava (fizikalnim procedurama, medikamentima i drugim u službenoj medicini priznatim sredstvima), te fizikalnim lijecenjem bolesti i ozljeda u podrucju drugih specijalistickih grana medicine.

Kao specijalist rehabilitacijske medicine bavi se prevencijom, dijagnosticiranjem i lijecenjem (rehabilitacijom) posljedica prirodenih mana, bolesti i ozljeda u podrucju lokomotornog sustava, te utvrdivanjem stupnja oštecenja lokomotornog sustava i ostalih sustava i nesposobnosti (invaliditeta).

Specijalist fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije (nazivan i fizijatrom) djeluje sukladno poznatim Etickim principima lijecnickog poziva, Kodeksima lijecnickog zbora i Statutom lijecnicke komore.

Lijecnik specijalist fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije može raditi u ordinaciji, poliklinici, bolnici, ustanovi za njegu i rehabilitaciju u kuci, bez obzira na prirodu vlasništva istih, a sukladno Zakonu o radui drugim normativnim aktima.

Odnos fizijatra prema fizioterapeutima, radnim terapeutima i medicinskim sestrama jednak je odnosu svakog lijecnika specijalista prema zdravstvenim radnicima srednje i više strucne spreme. Jedino lijecnik smije dijagnosticirati, indicirati, propisati i nadgledati lijecenje i rehabilitaciju.

Specijalist fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije voda je rehabilitacijskog tima koji uz zdravstvene radnike cine i strucnjaci drugih profila, kao suradnici (logoped, defektolog, socijalni radnik, psiholog).

Indikacije, propisivanje i nadzor nad fizikalnim procedurama i rehabilitacijskim postupcima dozvoljeni su samo specijalistima fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije, buduci da u sadašnjem sustavu dodiplomske i postdiplomske izobrazbe, a tijekom specijalizacije, ostali specijalisti nisu za to adekvatno osposobljeni.

European definition of Physical and Rehabilitation Médicine (PRM)

This proposal was set up during the General Assembly of Ljubljana (March 2003) and validated in Antalya (October 2003

PRM is an independent medical specialty concerned with the promotion of physical and cognitive functioning, activities (including behaviour), participation (including quality of life) and modifying personal and environmental factors. It is thus responsible for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation management of people with disabling medical conditions and comorbidity across all ages.

Specialists in PRM have a holistic approach to people with acute and chronic conditions, examples of which are musculo-skeletal and neurological disorders, amputations, pelvic organ dysfunction, cardio-respiratory insufficiency and the disability due to chronic pain and cancer.

PRM specialists work in various facilities from acute care units to community settings. They use specific diagnostic assessment tools and carry out treatments including pharmacological, physical, technical, educational and vocational interventions. Because of their comprehensive training, they are best placed to be responsible for the activities of multi-professional teams in order to achieve optimal outcomes.”

D8908 ter European Resolution “In all integrated Rehabilitation Teams the responsibility for diagnosis and treatment can only belong to a medical practitioner competent in Rehabilitation. He or she alone can take responsibility for modifying the prescribed or alter its administration, taking account of the advise and suggestions proposed by the other members of the team, through their professional relationship with patient, at the regular team meetings.

In all cases, the final decision and responsibility rest entirely with the competent medical practitioner in medical charge.”

Approved unanimously by the executive committee of the UEMS, in BRUSSELS the 28 April 1989

Approved by the General Assembly of the “Standing committee of European Doctors” in 1990