Deadline 1 March – call for workshops/ mini-symposia DCRM
On 8 and 9 November 2018 the Netherlands Society of Rehabilitation Medicine will organise the Dutch Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (DCRM) in Groningen, The Netherlands. The theme of this highly interactive and interdisciplinary conference is ‘Healthy living for ever(yone)’.
Medical care is nowadays including the important topic of prevention. A healthy lifestyle prevents diseases and increases the disability-free life expectancy in the rapidly aging population. Prevention of disability is crucial to spent this time in good health. A healthy lifestyle is even more crucial for people with a chronic disease. Rehabilitation medicine can play an active role in realizing a healthy lifestyle for patients.
The aging of people with (a) chronic disease(s) also confronts rehabilitation specialists with new health issues and challenges. Scientific effort in the field of prevention and aging are of vital importance for our patients and for our profession. We aim to discuss these topics on our congress from the view of the patient, the profession, and the society.
We cordially invite physicians in physical and rehabilitation medicine, researchers and other health care professionals to submit proposals for workshops or mini-symposia and to join us at the DCRM in the vibrant city of Groningen. De deadline for submitting a workshop/ mini-symposium is 1 March 2018
On our website you find more information about organizing a workshop/mini-symposium.