Hrvatski liječnički zbor

Hrvatsko društvo za fizikalnu i
rehabilitacijsku medicinu

21. Europski kongres Fizikalne i rehabilitacijske medicine, Vilnius, Litva, 1-6.5.2018.


Alvydas Juocevicius, President of the 21st European Congress of PRM
Alain Delarque, President of ESPRM 2015-2019


Dear colleagues, dear friends,

As President of the 21st European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,

and as President of the European Society of PRM (ESPRM), it is our privilege and honor to invite you to

join us in Vilnius, Lithuania.

This important scientific event is organized by the ESPRM and the Lithuanian Society of PRM (LPMFR) in

cooperation with the UEMS-PRM Section and Board and the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine.

The meeting will take place from 1 to 6 May 2018 at Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, and it will be the

second European Congress organized in accordance with the new rules and regulations of  ESPRM.

We are working hard to organize an outstanding scientific and educational congress to facilitate the spread

and exchange of knowledge, skills and attitudes, between experts, researchers, clinicians and trainees, and aiming

to continue developing the ESPRM and PRM in Europe.

We will do our best for having the active participation of the most prestigious European and International

professionals with clinical expertise and scientific recognition.

The Committees of the ESPRM will have a very active role in the scientific program in close collaboration

with the UEMS-PRM Section and Board, the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine.

The International Society of PRM (ISPRM) and other international PRM Organizations, including the Baltic

– Nordic Forum of PRMthe Mediterranean Forum of PRM, the National Societies from Europe, will also be involved.

We are very happy that we can count on the experience of the colleagues that organized the previous

European Congresses.

The Associations of allied professionals and NGOs working on behalf of people with disabilities, will participate

in this congress to help analyze models of comprehensive rehabilitation.

The social program will be carefully planned. You will feel warmly received in Vilnius, Lithuania.


We look forward to meeting you in Vilnius, 2018.